When your body, mind and heart are aligned with your spirit, you’re in a natural state of balance. There is great value in creating a balanced life from the inside out. It gives you the power to live your life on your own terms.

Balance, peace, and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.” ~ Thomas Kinkade


Your outer life is a reflection of your inner life. When you make changes on the inside your life will respond to those changes. Observe your self-talk, self-love, and self-care as a way to be more present with your inner world and what part needs more attention.

Do you take good care of your body? Are you developing the strength, flexibility, endurance and energy you need to be fit? If your physical self were to ask you to change one thing, what would it be? Respond with an action plan.

Are you living the life of your dreams? Who would you have to be, and what would you be doing differently to fulfill your biggest dream? Plant those seeds of change in your mind, and nurture them daily.

Are you in a healthy, happy relationship? If not, start by having one with yourself. Be the partner you would like to have by treating yourself with loving kindness and respect at all times.

Do you feel aligned with your spirit? If not, start a daily spiritual practice that allows you to stay connected. It could be through prayer, meditation, journaling, being in nature or being of service. The key is consistency.

Fear causes an imbalance. Love creates balance. Choose to live from your heart and your mind will follow and you will naturally create a balanced life.

Balance is the foundation of health and what you eat has a direct impact on your well-being. Make sure that you’re eating a balanced, plant-based diet that supports your optimal health.


To receive a free 30-minute phone coaching session with me on living your dreams, email me at: carolgutzeit@shopdyi.com


Love and light,

Carol Gutzeit 

DYI Blogger/Life Coach

September 16, 2019 — Carol Gutzeit

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