I Am Strong and Vulnerable


Strength and vulnerability go hand in hand with courage. It takes courage to overcome the fear of being vulnerable, and that makes you stronger. Being an emotionally available human allows you to live with an open heart and make strong connections.


“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness.” ~ Brené Brown




Vulnerability is at the center of wholehearted living. It strengthens every part of who you are on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Being vulnerable is having the courage to show up as your whole self and speak your truth.


Your body becomes stronger every time you learn a new physical skill. Consider learning a new sport, signing up for an endurance race, or trying a new class to develop the courage it takes to be vulnerable doing something outside of your comfort zone.


Allowing yourself to be vulnerable stimulates creativity. It takes courage to create something that others might criticize as being less than perfect. Practice being uncomfortable by risking failure to please and you’ll grow stronger in character.


Honest communication is at the core of healthy relationships. You have to take that long walk from the head to the heart to be vulnerable. To have an engaging conversation you must be willing to see yourself in the other person, and that takes courage.


Wholehearted people know they are worthy of love. They face struggle and adversity with courage and find strength in their connection with the universe. Believe in your worthiness and make vulnerability your superpower. 

The human body is less vulnerable to illness and disease when it’s well-nourished. A strong innate immune system is your best ally when it comes to creating vibrant health. 

Focus on creating a healthy gut microbiome by living in harmony with nature.


Vulnerability, when met with empathy, is an act of love. If you can be vulnerable enough to receive empathy and empathetic enough to strengthen vulnerability, you will transform the way you live and relate.


With love and light,


Carol Gutzeit

Blogger + Life Coach


To schedule a free 30-minute coaching call email me at: carolgutzeit@shopdyi.com


March 22, 2021 — Carol Gutzeit

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